Embedding Videos
Embed with Panopto Video Player
For some people, linking video is a common way of posting a video in course content or web page. Embedding takes “linking” a step further and embeds special codes into an online document, making videos work seamlessly on a web page and look very professional. Here are some features of embedding a video and Panopto’s video player Links to an external site..
Embed into a Webpage
Ready to take embedding video a dive? These steps will help you embed a video into a webpage Links to an external site. (or Canvas Page).
Embed into Canvas
Since Panopto is integrated with Canvas, videos can be embedded anywhere in your Canvas course. These steps will help you embed a video into a Canvas course Links to an external site..
Embed a Folder
Panopto also makes it possible to embed a folder in a webpage! This is an excellent tool for sharing multiple videos, may be of the same topic or chunked lectures! After you set up your folder for sharing, follow these steps for embedding a folder into a webpage Links to an external site..